PCC completed gas compressor units' maintenances and delivery on time. Client had assigned the work program to ensure the gas compressor delivery to field with highest quality control.
- Complete the maintenance gas compressor.
- Sourcing spare parts to support maintenance.
- Completed the certificate and inspection.
- FAT test with client witness before loadout.
PCC’s Flow back Services
Product line: Production optimization
In brief:
The client requires PCC to provide flowback services to evaluate the sand produced from the production wells. The flowback equipment is installed between the production well and the platform separator. The production from the production well is routed to PCC's cyclonic sand separator and sand filter. Almost all of the sand separates from the well stream at the cyclonic sand separator, and the clean well steam continues to flow to the platform separator to measure the production rate against the volume of produced sand that is corrected at the cyclonic sand separator. The test result client can use for evaluation the well intervention planning program.
PCC’s Equipment Maintenance Services
Product line: Operation & Maintenance
In brief:
- PCC provided equipment maintenance services to reduce the client’s workload. According to a short notice to utilize a well-unloading package. Our client has many things to work through in the punch lists to make a quick and fast-track delivery of a well unloading on time. Client selected PCC’s maintenance to support the rotating equipment such as gas compressor, triplex pump, generator, and air compressor were assigned to PCC to perform a maintenance.
- PCC’s maintenance yard and competent maintenance team are ready to support.
PCC’s Pipeline Flushing and Pigging Services
Product line: Production optimization
In brief:
PCC completed the SL-3 pipeline Mercury decontamination, cleaning, and pigging service. The equipment's functional design and crew support delivered service quality that met client work objectives. The pipeline's mercury removal and cleanliness met client criteria.
PCC Achievement
- Since the operation began and finished, total operation man-hours of 15,756 hours (5th Feb. – 30th Arp. 2024), there has been no incident-accidence in the operations.
- Multiple task lists were carried out, such as equipment installation, pipeline flushing and pigging, chemical mixing and batching, and wastewater injection into disposal wells.
- Through the sequence of work, we learned and improved our people and equipment capabilities to ensure our clients achieve their work objectives with safe.
- PCC was proving the service quality met the customer standard requirement.
- With the long run operation crew work rotation and equipment maintenance during the operation have to well organized.
PCC’s Production Well Testing Service
Product line: Production optimization
PCC Achievement:
- PCC’s practices and experience performs an on-shore production well testing.
The Well testing package preparation and delivery on time as per the work program.
- Experienced and competent crew with effective Standard Operating Procedures contribute to reliable and safe operations.
- Zero accidence during the rig-up installation, and operation (9 Dec. 2023 to 23 Feb. 2024).
Value to the customer
- The PCC provided a customized and cost-effective solution, especially with the fast-track schedule of the modularized compacted footprint package.
PCC’s Pipeline Flushing and Pigging Services
Product line: Production optimization
In brief:
PCC successful to perform the SL-16 pipeline Mercury and hydrocarbon cleaning at Bongkot South field. The seawater flushing pumping and pigging applied for cleaning the pipeline before construction team perform the pipeline tie-in.
We were working through the planning and performing a work carefully. PCC’s was challenging;
- To remove the last pig from the pipeline
- Maintain the minimum pump discharge pressure through pipeline SL-16 below 150 psi. this to prevent pipeline leak at repaired section.
- The waste water from SL-16 pipeline have to boost pressure and pump against the back pressure 520 psig. to SL-15 pipeline.
The pipeline expected cleanness water sample HC < 40 ppm., Hg < 80 ppb
PCC’s Flow back Services
Product line: Production optimization
In brief:
Completed PVEP’s coiled tubing and flow-back operations Vietnam.
PCC Achievement
- Since the operation began and finished, total operation man-hours of 3,198 hours (17th Jun – 5th July 2023), there has been no incident-accidence in the operation.
- The flow back equipment and operation crew preparation and delivery in time as per the work program.
- PCC was proving the service quality met the customer standard.
PCC’s Extended Well Testing Service
PCC Achievement
- PCC’s practices and experience performs a fast-track execution without compromising health, safety, and environmental standards
- The Well testing package preparation and delivery on time as per the work program.
Experienced and competent crew with effective Standard Operating Procedures contribute to reliable and safe operations
- PCC was proving the services quality met the customer standard.
- Zero accidence during the rig-up and installation.
Value to the customer
- The PCC provided the client with a customized and cost-effective solution, especially with the fast-track schedule of the modularized compacted footprint package
- PCC offered a cost effective and fit for purpose design that met the scope of work and safety.
PCC’s Product line: Equipment Rental Services
Product Line: Production optimization
In brief:
We put our best capabilities to work to support an urgent call-out for equipment set to support coiled tubing operations.
- Brand new iron pipe work package sourcing.
- The logistical process and tracking push into the prioritized routine work.
- Delivery meets the operation time frame via air freight.
- Our commitment to respond as a priority to achieve.
PCC’s Flow back Services
Product line: Production optimization
In brief:
Completed Zawtika’s coiled tubing and flow-back operations Myanmar.
PCC Achievement
- Since the operation began and finished, total operation man-hours of 5,352 hours (4th January – 4th May 2023), there has been no incident-accidence in the operation.
- The flow back equipment and operation crew preparation and delivery in time as per the work program.
- Engineering technical support covered the PCC flow back operations.
- PCC was proving the service quality met the customer standard.
PCC’s Flow back Services
Product Line: Production optimization
In brief:
Preparation and commissioning of flow-back equipment packages prior to load out to the Myanmar operation were successful.
- Equipment mock-up, reediness, and function testing.
- Equipment certificate package verification.
- Comments and feedback clarification and improvement.
- Document equipment certificate package submitted for verification and validation.
PCC’s Well Flow back package services
Product Line: Production optimization
In brief:
PCC provided the flow back equipment with cyclonic sand separator and operation crew to assist Vietnam’s Coil tubing sand cleanout operation.
Engineering technical support covered the PCC Sand separation equipment is acceptable. PCC was proving the service quality met the customer standard we sent our operators to perform package preparation and function test at yard and operate the flowback unit on the wellhead platform. Since the operation began and finished, total operation man-hours of 552 hours, there has been no incident-accidence in the operation.
Customer Challenge:
The client had a work plan to achieve sand cleanout and acid clean by coil tubing and put the well into production as soon as possible.
Control and remove the sand from the well stream before returning the liquid to the production line.
PCC’s Pipeline flushing pump and Pigging Sealine SL-41/30 Hydrocarbon cleaning
Product Line: Production optimization
In brief:
PCC provided engineering, pipeline flushing pump package, and pigging services to support Client Sealing SL-41/30 for hydrocarbon decontamination. The sealine flushing and pigging completed 8,747 meters with no downtime and no accidents. The project operations were smooth and finished ahead of schedule.
Customer Challenge:
Two sealines and three wellhead platforms are planned for pipeline flushing and pigging. The operation complexity and high manpower requirements are required. The pigging program is intended to use a multiple series of pigs in a single run to achieve a clean pipeline and fast track management.
PCC’s Well blowdown (Well unloading)
Product Line: Production optimization
In brief:
PCC provided Well blowdown (Well unloading) to assist Client at well start-up stage, the equipment and service scope to unload the production well which cannot flow by itself according to liquid column, client production facility limit, and ESP pump locked gas. PCC equipment was tie-in to the production well and conducted the Wellstream flow through the well blowdown choke manifold and separator and routed the gas to flare pit for disposal. This project was success by bring the flowing pressure well down to the client production operation envelop and unlock the new well to restart the production.
Customer Challenge:
The client had a work plan to achieve in a time frame within the well start-up program. There is a shortage of available the well testing equipment to meet the work requirement and short notice confirm for call-out to PCC to MOB.
Call-out Cyclonic Sand Separator (Wellhead Desander) service. We just load-out the one of PCC Cyclonic sand separator to support Flow back service with coil tubing operation at Vietnam offshore.
“Sharing Experiences Customer need”
PCC completed delivery the gas lift valve LAB test scale according to API19 G2 work practices, Automatic Gas lift valve calibration work bench, Ager pressure test chamber, and Water-cooling bath. The monitoring and control system for both units are integrated in Process Logic Control PLC in single Computer workstation. The functional design was delivery highest functional requirement such as Safe containment is increase safety and reliability, Electrical pressure control and monitoring are increase reliability and decrease uncertainties, PLC & SCADA are integrated Functional-control-record, Nitrogen booster pump save and utilize the waste gas, Workstation desktop for database is improved data traceability.
“Sharing Experiences Customer need”
PCC completed delivery Automatic Gas lift valve calibration work bench (iGLV TEST BENCH). The functional design was delivery highest functional requirement such as Safe containment is increase safety and reliability, Electrical pressure control and monitoring is increase reliability and decrease uncertainties, PLC & HMI are integrated Functional-control-record, Nitrogen booster pump save and utilize the waste gas, Workstation desktop for database is improved data traceability.
“ISO 9001:2015”
PCC completed ISO 9001:2015 certified, with the company driven Operation process standardize
SPM, PLEM, Pipeline flushing
PCC provided Pipeline flushing completed with Engineering support to carry out the pipeline cleaning and decommissioning offshore project. The work scope are challenging by utilize the DSV vessel to support operation, installed the pipeline flushing on DSV deck, provide down line hose for sub-sea tie-in for flushing scope.
The Packages had been full function test and prepare for offshore operations and load out meet the time frame as commitment schedule.
PCC received the other two Cyclonic Sand separators. This Cyclonic sand separator or Wellhead desander provide the function to remove sand, sludge, mill junk metal or cement from the well stream during Flow back, Well clean-up operation, and Pipeline pigging. The first unit was utilized and proven functional to support Coil tubing and flow back operation. It help to reduce the workload to sand filter unit and improve Coil tubing well clen-up performance.
The Packages had been full function test and prepare for offshore operations.
PCC provided Full Flow Back Package to support Vietnam Flow Back Operation.
The Package had been fully maintenance and functions before the load out date. Good managed by PCC Yard team members and not limited to administration support team.
OUTSTANDING WORKS to meet the load-out schedule.
PCC Chemical Batch Pump Package Mock-up and Commissioning Test at PCC Songkhla facility.
The Chemical Batching activity is required to increase pipeline Flushing process cleaning performance. The Batch Pump unit is compact designs and concluded the packaging of PCC high skills experiences team.
PCC’ Chemical Batch Pump unit deployed to Gulf Of Thailand for support Chevron Pipeline Flushing Project to meet safety standard requirements. Single lift, compact footprint and high turn-down Injection rate.
PCC held of “Technical Workshop sharing day“
PCC Senior Mechanic contributed knowledge sharing to PCC' Operators and Internship Students.
PCC Senior Mechanic build his forceful competence as an Mechanical mentor and of the PCC' Operators participates their enhancements knowledge and skill by hand-on events.
PCC has developed Gas Compressor Pre-Cooler unit for Chevron incremental production applications.
Customized design, stackable mobile unit, high efficiency helps to reduce the high gas temperature.
A present, We continue to support Chevron at the Gulf Of Thailand.
PCC’s Flow Back Package Mock-up and Commissioning test at PCC Songkhla facility. The Flow Back Package is designed to support the Coiled Tubing Operation, to treat the well fluid returned from Junk Mill, Sediment, or other kind of Gel.
PCC has selected suitable Flow Back equipment to managed even both of Pressure and Fluid returned flowrate from well.
To increase well clean-up efficiency, PCC has deployed the Cyclonic Sand Separator and Sand Filter unit which is designed for Offshore mobile package, compact footprint, and high reliability.
PCC Pipeline Flushing Package Mock-up and Commissioning Test at PCC Songkhla facility.
Pipeline Flushing Package built to meet Chevron Asset Retirement Campaign which are compromise with flowrate and pressure upon requirements and not limited to safety standard designs according to Offshore standard and associates of high skills with PCC' experiences team.
With the scope the package requirement such as Rig-safe Diesel Engine Pump unit, Offshore Mobile Package, Compact units footprint, and high reliability.
With the Pipeline Flushing Operations experiences and customer co-creation, we completed the packaging met the time line and delivered Outstanding performance.
PCC’ Flow Back Package deployed to support Malaysia Coiled Tubing Operation.
PCC successfully managed pressure return from the well and increase well clean-up efficiency by installed the Cyclonic Sand Separator Unit.
The Cyclonic Sand Separator represents higher performance to separate the sediment from well stream which is detained the sediment to the downstream process.
While the meantime, good performance was generated by the competent PCC' Flow Back Operators.
PCC Managing Director gave the direction to contribute and support the people whose impact from the COVID-19 pandemic spread out.
He and his family lead PCC staff to urgently participate provide Survival bags and clean foods to the villagers who leave the surrounding.
PCC' Cyclonic Sand Separator unit was Mock-up tested and evaluate finding the separation performance against the sediment and flowrate which is set up in different scenarios.
PCC has selected suitable Flow Back equipment to managed even both of Pressure and Fluid returned flowrate from well.
To increase well clean-up efficiency, PCC has deployed the Cyclonic Sand Separator and Sand Filter unit which is designed for Offshore mobile packages, compact footprint, and high reliability.
PCC’s Flow Back Package Mock-up and Commissioning test at PCC Songkhla facility. The Flow Back Package is designed to support the Coiled Tubing Operation, to treat the well fluid returned from Junk Mill, Sediment, or other kind of Gel.
PCC has selected suitable Flow Back equipment to managed even both of Pressure and Fluid returned flowrate from well.
To increase well clean-up efficiency, PCC has deployed the Cyclonic Sand Separator and Sand Filter unit which is designed for Offshore mobile packages, compact footprint, and high reliability.
PCC Managing Director gave the direction to contribute and support the people whose impact from the COVID-19 pandemic spread out.
His direction was to immediately support survival foods to Bangklam Hospital medical unit.
Practice and practice !!!
PCC conducts Basic Fire Fighting training and Fire Drilled Exercises at the PCC facility.
Well Done guys.
PCC Flow Back team conducted “1st Operations look-back” Workshop with their experiences sharing, Work Safely & Operations look back discussion, Improving plan and Technical empower acknowledgment.
There are complementary theories and knowledge that are suitable for them. Success leads itself to implement sustainable learning in secure processing.
At the class ended, the results have shared their valuable experience in this field with the management team.
PCC delivered SMART Pressure Test Control Unit. Designs meet customer inspiration and modern functions and meet front-line requirements.
SMART Pressure Test Unit developing by innovation unique ideal, where capabilities pressure up to 10000 Psig, high scale materials and inclusive HMI computerize for interface control and integrate real-time data.
Client invention – PCC support – We made it happen.
The accident can happen anywhere and anytime !!
PCC conducted Basic First Aid training, Our PCC staff helps people around him or her when in time of crisis.
PCC conducts Basic Fire Fighting training and Fire Drilled Exercises at the PCC facility.
PCC Flow Back Team participates competence training “Rigging & Slinging” Safety Training. Flow Back crews success of the knowledge and skills improving by a certified instructor.
The training courses required under Thai legal regulation for Cranes and referred to API RP-2D

PCC had successful delivered HLB flowback package maintenance met time frame. Flowback package is include of Dual pot sand filter, Surge tank, Choke manifold, and Surface safety valve. They are completed the maintenance as per well testing standard requirement and function test with in the agreement time frame 14 days. This project was proved the PCC’s capability and experiences people can achieved HLB’s service quality for maintenance.

PCC had successful preparing and delivered Flowback package for Coil tubing operation at PTTEP-S1. The equipment lists such as Choke manifold, Dual pot sand filter, shutdown valve, pipe work, and 200 bbl. Storage tanks were prepared and delivered with standard service quality control to met client requirement.

PCC had successful PTTEP-S1 upgrade and commissioning brine storage tank farm with zero accident. The existing brine tank had upgrade the pump loop-piping system, electrical power supply, and installed spill containment.
PCC’s Flow back Services
Product line: Production optimization
In brief:
Completed PVEP’s coiled tubing and flow-back operations Vietnam.
PCC Achievement
- Since the operation began and finished, total operation man-hours of 3,198 hours (17th Jun – 5th July 2023), there has been no incident-accidence in the operation.
- The flow back equipment and operation crew preparation and delivery in time as per the work program.
- PCC was proving the service quality met the customer standard.